In House design development dept. is equipped with softwares such as adobe photoshop , corel draw , free hand. Our qualified & experienced designers are best in industry to meet customers expectations.
We have pc & mac based workstations loaded with illustrator , corel x7, photoshop & latest art pro-14 & qualified personnel enable excellent print management with speedy approvals @ executions. We have 42’’ plotter printer of Epson 9900 for viewing full size cylinders layout/image.
After degreasing process, base shell is immersed in formulated nickel plating tank.this ensures affinity To copper plating. High purity copper nuggets in balanced electrolyte chemistry ensures that the cylinders are plated to achieve optimum hardness (190 to 210 Hv ) and grain structure.
High precision cutting and polishing machine CFM 1610 ( DAETWYLER – SWITZERLAND) Is to maintain international standards such as predetermid circumference, surface roughness & parellelity of copper cylinder.
We have hell’s K5-XL & K5 engraving machines (hell gravure systems- germany) with sprint engraving head of 8000 Hz frequency. IIIrd Engraving Machine (Which is Hell K-5 Smart With xtreme Engraving Head).
Chrome plating of the engraved cylinders is next step wich gives solidity to engraved copper surface to withstand the aggression of ink, chemicals & doctorblade corrosion. The optimum micro cracks ensures easy doctor blade lubrication for long life of cylinders.
The engraved cylinders are subsequently proofed to verify engraving authenticity on actual substrate proof with H/T images and exact colur scheme for customers final approval. We also pvide in dilution , lab value of proofed image.
Proper packing of cylinder is to avoid physical damages such as scratches, dents in handling & transportation.